Imagine your life without pain, with more energy, and feeling better about yourself and everything around you.

The most common type of massage at the spa, Swedish massage combines various hands-on techniques including gliding, kneading, and cross-fiber friction to break up muscle knots, called adhesions. Swedish massage is based on the Western concepts of anatomy and physiology as opposed to energy work. It can be slow and gentle, or vigorous and bracing, depending on what the therapist wants to achieve.

This form of massage uses a significant amount of pressure behind certain techniques, but with deep tissue as the main goal. It is used on ailments like chronic pain, recovery from injuries, limited mobility, postural problems & muscle tension or spasm, among others. As the massage is meant to get down deep into the problematic area it is common that the client will be sore for a day or two afterwards, but if you ever feel that the therapist is applying too much pressure, tell them right away

An ancient tradition originating in Asia, Acupressure activates points on the body to promote healing. These points are found on every part of the body and can be used to boost the immune system, release tension, increase circulation, and relieve stress. Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in that they use the same points of reference to heal the body. However, acupressure uses light to firm pressure with the therapist’s fingers, hands and arms, whereas acupuncture uses needles.

Trigger points are commonly known as muscle knots, the often painful spots where muscles seem to be clumped together in a tight little ball. Most trigger points refer to pain somewhere else along the nerve pathways; so it takes skilled hands to get to the root of the problem. If you find yourself having acute muscular pain, then trigger point therapy may be the answer.

Sports massage is a therapy designed for high activity people. Depending on the sport there are different areas to treat both Pre-game and Post-game. Pre-game therapy focuses on preparing your muscles for high intensity motion, whereas Post-game therapy is designed to help the body repair itself from the sore muscles and knots which may occur after the event. If you’re ready to give it your all and want to minimize potential injury, then sports massage is right for you.

Lymph is the fluid in your body which transports fat, returns protein to the circulatory system and is an important part of fending off bacterial diseases. Performing Lymph Drainage Therapy can have significant benefits, including detoxification of the body, regeneration of tissue, anti-aging effects, relief of chronic inflammation and pain, & reduction in the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. The therapy itself is a very relaxing experience as it is a gentle process of circular massage.

Myofascial Release Therapy targets the places where the fascia (the outer layer of the Myofascia, which covers the muscles but is the skin) is blocked to relieve the tension and guide the muscles into their proper place. The therapy is quite relaxing in itself as the process is very gentle. A therapist merely has to heat up the area with certain techniques to unglue the fascia. When it is unglued it often tells the therapist where it should be by the natural direction it pulls.

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle energy work that helps alleviate pain and discomfort by allowing bones to shift within the head and spinal column, freeing restriction caused from adhesions or scar tissue. This form of therapy encourages your own natural healing mechanism to dissolve the negative effects of stress on your central nervous system. It also benefits overall health and resistance to disease.
Pain Away Massage Therapy is located in the quaint village of Liverpool, just a few miles from Syracuse, NY. We offer an array of massage therapy services to suit your needs and have the skilled technniques required to ease your pain. We hope you'll come to visit!